Practice Worksheets
Curriculum Samples
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About Mrs. Fish
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Contact Mrs. Fish
Math with Mrs. Fish
Practice Worksheets
Curriculum Samples
All the Details
About Mrs. Fish
Interest List
Contact Mrs. Fish
Parent's Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Student's Name
Please complete a separate form for each child. After submitting the form, refresh the page to submit another.
First Name
Last Name
At what grade level do you anticipate your child being enrolled?
Rate Student's Success in Math
How would you rate your child's current success in math? You may use a scale of 1 (poor) to 10 (great) and give as much or as little additional information as you like.
How do you anticipate paying for classes?
Charter School Funds
Out of Pocket
Combination of both
In what charter school is your child enrolled?
Is your child colorblind?
Mrs. Fish frequently uses color to emphasize steps during instruction. She will avoid using greens/reds if a student is colorblind.
Don't know
Mrs. Fish is happy to answer any questions you may have.
Mrs. Fish would like to text you to let you know she has responded by email. Her initial emails to families frequently land in spam folders.
Thank you!